Getting stronger has never felt this good. With KBM Plus, get everything in KBM Flex AND the speciality Unstoppable programs.

Ready to build muscle and crush your strength goals without burning out three weeks in?

        is the first fitness program for women that combines the power of progressive overload with the power of the menstrual cycle. 

A woman’s unit of time is the length of one menstrual cycle. Why fight against your physiology when you can use it to your advantage?

Your four phases - follicular, ovulatory, luteal, and menstrual - provide the perfect template for your body to thrive. That’s why Unstoppable allows you to time your workouts with the natural flow of your hormones. 

This allows you to show up as you are each day - energized, sluggish, or somewhere in between - and always get the right about of challenge. When your workouts and your hormones agree, you recover better. When you recover better, you feel better. When you feel better, you confidently show up. When you show up, you get the results you’ve been looking for with ease.

Welcome to fitness for females. Here, we embrace your inner strength and come home to your body. Ready to start getting real results that last?


what they're saying












I get it.

You know the power of resistance training for women is immense.

But every time you've tried to make it part of your lifestyle, something is missing. Either the program was unsustainable, overwhelming, or you just couldn't wait for it to be over.

And afterwards? You felt more burnt out than ever, leaving your relationship with fitness dangling by a thread. 

Sound familiar?

  • Let's face it: they're designed for men. Remember, female fitness does NOT just mean lighter weights and pink equipment! 
  • They're random and don't utilize progressive overload. Random = inefficient.
  • They're full of fluff. Girl, you don't need a 5-step exercise with a band around every joint to get strong. 
  • They use complicated or inaccessible equipment. Not everyone has fancy machines at their disposal!
  • They require you to be in the gym for HOURS to get everything done.
  • They're WAY too intense, for too long - meaning you can't wait for the program to be over already!

Here's why other strength programs don't feel right:


But here's how KBM does things differently: 

  • Designed specifically for women's physiology so every workout hits just right and works WITH the tides of your hormones.
  • Uses progressive overload to get you systematic and predictable results - WHILE aligning with your cycle's energy fluctuations!
  • You only do what's necessary. No fluff. No busy work.
  • Uses basic equipment available at any gym or home gym.
  • All workouts are an hour or less because of how efficient the programming is!
  • Peak and rest weeks fall exactly where they're supposed to, so you never want it to end!
just take it from these ladies!












bench press

strict press


back squat

Unstoppable is a power-building program that catapults your strength to new heights by building the four main barbell lifts:

After 4 weeks, you'll be saying,
"I got this."
After Volume 1, you'll be saying, "HELL yes!"
After Volume 2, you'll be saying, "why on EARTH didn't I start this sooner?!" 

Video of all movements, with substitutions for dumbbell-only athletes

Cyclical Fitness Fundamentals Course

The Expert Lounge for bonus trainings on women's health and fitness

7 months of workouts across two volumes of programming. Volume One is 12 weeks, and Volume Two is 16 weeks.

What's Included:

Tracking to log your weights, PRs, and see your progress!

Community forums to ask questions, share your wins, and get support from your fellow Unstoppables!

Unlimited form coaching with Courtney: submit your video and receive voice + video feedback

Like you can be at peace with fitness for the first time ever - and even feel excited to go to the gym

The sense of pride wash over you as you complete a program and look back on how much strength and confidence you've gained

ZERO guilt around resting, because you've seen how it slingshots you into the next cycle

Energized and happy after workouts instead of drained and anxious...even in your luteal and menstrual phases!

Ecstatic to crush lifetime personal records in the gym and reach body composition goals, without feeling mentally + physically exhausted

Imagine feeling...

Turns out, my body wasn't a fan. I held onto body fat, water weight, and always felt tired and inflamed. I had gut issues, anxiety, and was obsessed with LOOKING a certain way vs seeing what my body could DO. 

Fast forward to three years of consistently strength training with my cycle, and although it's allowed me to finally feel comfortable in my own skin, teaming up on my body's side has been the greatest benefit. I can only describe it in one word: freedom. 

Whether your goal is body recomposition, more energy, or improved mental health, I can help you get there. 

Before I developed kbm, the only way I knew how to work out was by pushing as hard as possible - all the time. 




Unstoppable Success Stories ⚡️

...what does Unstoppable mean to you?

the deatils

The Details

After the Main Session, you'll have an optional 5 - 10 minute finisher to get your heart rate up or do focused core work.

optional finisher

Each main session has a Main Lift (back squat, deadlift, strict press, bench press) followed by accessory movements to build upon that lift.


Each workout starts with a follow-along timed warm up flow to get your body moving and prepare for the movements of the day.

warm up

Workout Structure:

Every workout ends with a 2-5 minute cool down for stretches and mobility work that feel AMAZING after all your hard work.

cool down

Short and long loop bands for warm up movements.



You can use a sturdy bench for our box movements if you don't have both.

bench and box


Light, medium, heavy, and very heavy pairs. You can use these instead of a barbell, if needed.



Barbell, plates, rack, and safety clips.

barbell station


Equipment Needed:



Kettlebells, foam roller or yoga block, hip thrust pad.

  • The KBM app
  • On your browser
  • Cast to your TV

Ways to Workout :

Once you purchase, you'll make a KBM account. Then, work out your way, any cycle day!

Your purchase includes lifetime access.

Let's take a look inside 👉🏻

take a sneak peak at the workouts inside - and turn your volume up!

even more unstoppable wins!












+ Everything in KBM Flex (Build, Peak, Steady, and Ease for on-demand workouts)
+ Seven months (or cycles) of workouts between two Volumes of Unstoppable: 12 weeks in U1, 16 weeks in U2
+ Full and HOME versions (dumbbell-only) of the Unstoppable programs
+ Community access for questions, support, and form feedback
+ Tracking to log your weights for every workout and see your progress
+ Tutorial videos to walk you through all main lifts
+ Unlimited form coaching with Courtney


KBM Plus 🚀

start free trial

meet courtney

I know what works for women - and what women actually want out of their workouts. We're no longer accepting the narrative that we have to sacrifice what makes us us in order to thrive.

As a former ER nurse, competitive gymnast, and stress-a-holic, cyclical fitness is what allowed me to continue to stay consistent with exercise even after having two kids back-to-back. Beyond that, it helped me put the final repairs on my relationship with my body after diet culture stole my joy for years. Together, we can reclaim our power and step into a new chapter of healing - one that WE are the authors of. I'll see you inside the app!

After 25+ years in the athletic space and 9 years working with patients and athletes...

Hey! I'm Courtney

Say goodbye to burnout and hello to a program designed specifically for women that gets results. Ready to see what you're capable of?

It's time to embrace your strength.

you're one workout away from changing your life. JOIN US TODAY.

let's do this

Yes, the Unstoppable programs come with a HOME version that is dumbbell-only.

can i use dumbbells instead of a barbell?

Due to the digital nature of the course, refunds are not issued.

what is the refund policy?

Yes! The program gradually takes you through progressions and is based entirely on functional movements. Nothing fancy, promise!

is this beginner friendly?

frequently asked questions

Nope, you can start wherever you are in your cycle! We might all be on different weeks, but we're in this together!

do i have to start on day one of my cycle?